Homework 1: Emerging Technologies


Unity is a cross platform game engine, which allows the user to create 2D and 3D games, simulations, and applications for computers, consoles and mobile. Unity is particularly popular currently because it is free for anyone to download. Because of this, developing games has become a reachable endeavor for everyone. As a result, we are seeing more and more indie development in games, which have allowed for some of the popular games that have been released in the past few years. A few examples of these are Five Night at Freddy’s, Overcooked, and Getting Over It. Game engines like Unity which are easily available for the general public allow for more content in the game industry, which is a breath of fresh air from the stale and repeated AAA formula. If I had unlimited resources, I would make my own FPS game.

3D Printers

3D printing is the when a material is joined together to create a 3D object using the data from a digital 3D model. What makes 3D printing so great is that it allows for prototyping and production to happen very quickly. This piece of tech can produce anything from prosthetics to a small house. There are many different types of 3D printers available. The bigger the printer the more capabilities it has and cost go up. Generally smaller printers are more affordable for the average person. If I had unlimited resources, I would 3D print a life size R2D2.

Tesla Solar Roof

Using solar panels to shingle your roof has become an up and coming investment that companies like Tesla are developing. Solar roof takes the sunlight that shines onto your home and converts it into electricity. Using a Powerwall battery, sunlight collected during the day is stored and can be used later on. What makes a piece of tech like this so great is that it is one of the ways of utilizing energy that the earth itself provides and ideally will end up saving you money in the long run. It can also allow for uninterrupted energy use even if there is a power grid outage. With unlimited resources, I would great a giant solar panel, large enough to power the entire country, and stick it in the Midwest desert.